A veritable Gold Mine For Wealth Builders
Believe it! You can easily make $50,000 in the next six months or less! After that, you can practically be guaranteed at least that much, but probably much more, every year for the rest of your life, without really working.
The way to accumulate this kind of wealth is with your own business of selling merchandise via The Party Plan. few other businesses can so easily give you this kind of wealth as quickly, and keep your income growing.
A recent questionnaire, circulated among hundreds of successful direct sales merchandisers across the country asked this question: "If you were to start over today, knowing what you know now, and could choose the one method of merchandising that would make you really rich in the shortest period of time, which would you select?" Of those questionnaires returned, 94% stated they would go with The Party Plan Method.
The sharp party plan operators (and the richest) simply hold motivational sales meetings for their sub-distributors about once a month. During these meetings, they are teaching their sub-distributors how to recruit new hosts and hostesses, or husband and wife host and hostess teams.
A host or hostess can be any person who is agreeable to holding a sales party at his or her house. Almost always, this person is rewarded for having the party with a percentage of the total business or a agreed upon special merchandise gift.
These people invite friends, neighbors and relatives to the party. Your sub-distributor doesn't have to do much more than make contact with the people willing to hold parties, supply the merchandise, and sometimes offer to help or be there to make sure everything goes smoothly.
Here's the kind of money you can realize with this business: Say you have ten sub-distributors, and each one arranges only five parties a month, and each party does $200 in gross business. That's a total of $10,000 per month in total volume. And from that total volume, you make only 30%. Figure it out for yourself. This would give you a personal income of $3,000 for thirty days in which you did no more than hold one or two motivational sales meetings!
Besides each party is at least guaranteed to give your sub-distributor at least two more hostesses for future parties, and those future parties will provide still more hostesses. this chain is endless, and will build as fast as you can keep up with it.
Choose an evening for your party--any evening excepting Friday through the weekend. Generally 7:30 is the most convenient time for the greatest number of people. If it's inconvenient for whatever reason to hold a party in your home, arrange with a friend to hold the first couple of parties.
Make up a list of 30 to 40 people you can invite to the party. They can be friends, neighbors, relatives or people you know from work, even acquaintances with whom you do business such as the check-out clerk where you buy your groceries or people you meet at the bus stop on your way to work.
After formally inviting these people, you then call to remind them of the party at least a couple of days before the date of the party. This is important, because of the original 40 people you invite, at least 15 will not show because it slipped their minds, last minute circumstances that force change in plans, and those that really weren't interested in the first place.
On the day of the party, get your merchandise display set up early. The party should be held in the largest room in the home---usually the living room--with the merchandise display the center of attraction.
The merchandise should be set out on a sturdy table covered with a good white or light colored cloth, and the merchandise should be arranged by group or type---the jewelry items together; perfumes bat oils and colognes together, crystal together, and so on.
Try to put a bit of imagination and showmanship into your merchandise display. This will have the effect of making your merchandise look much more valuable than it actually is. Those that do put a flair into their merchandise displays find that it increases their sales by as much as 25 percent over an ordinary showing.
For instances, a high intensity light focused on the display will cause the jewelry to sparkle, the stainless steel to gleam, and the brassware to glimmer like valuable heirlooms.
Another idea would be to tack a piece of velvet onto a 4 by 6 foot piece of plywood and use it to display rings, earrings, necklaces and watches.
In jewelry sales, another idea is to hang a mirror on a wall near the merchandise display. If you or your hostess has room, you might want to set up a card table, covered with an expensive looking piece of material, place a dressing table type mirror on this table, with a chair available for your guests to sit at the table while they try on the various items. The guests then make their selections after determining how each item looks on them.
regardless of what you do to make it easier for your guests to select and buy, a hand mirror is an absolute must whenever you're showing jewelry. It would be wise to have several hand mirrors available---two for your merchandise display table, and an extra one on the 'admiration" table.
Besides your merchandise display, be sure also you're organized with your refreshments. These usually consist of coffee, tea, soft drinks, cookies, or other "nibble' items. The host or hostess usually makes arrangements in advance for one of the guests to assist with the serving of refreshments.
Be sure you have nametags for your guests, and a couple of felt tip marking pens. And don't forget the order forms. these should be standard two-piece self-carbon forms---one copy for your customers and the other for your files. The best idea is to buy the order forms. All these items are commonly available in stationery stores. Rubber stamp your name and address on each copy of each order form, at least a couple days in advance of the party.
Still another item to remember is your merchandise catalogs. Be sure you have a good supply on hand, rubber stamped with your name and address. Later on, when you're established and the money is rolling in, you can have your name and address imprinted on your catalogs.
If you don't have a merchandise catalog, consider making one of your own. A valuable and easy-to-follow- manual "HOW TO PREPARE YOUR OWN CATALOG" (book #1203) is currently available. Another manual that will be of special interest to you is the "CLOSEOUT MERCHANDISE MONEY MAKING MANUAL" (book # 1668). Both these manuals are available from the dealer who supplied this report.
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